Moplen HP500N

Polypropylene, Homopolymer

Product Description

"Moplen" HP500N is a homopolymer suitable for injection moulding applications. It exhibits a good fluidity combined with a high stiffness.

"Moplen" HP500N is extensively used in many injection moulding applications, such as furniture, crates, closures and containers.

"Moplen" HP500N is suitable for food contact.

Product Characteristics


Commercial: Active

Test Method used



Europe, Africa-Middle East


Flow, Good, Homopolymer, Stiffness, Good

Typical Customer Applications

Containers, Crates, Furniture, Injection Moulded Caps and Closures
Typical Properties Method Value Unit
Density ISO 1183 0.90 g/cm³
Melt flow rate (MFR) (230°C/2.16Kg) ISO 1133 12 g/10 min
Melt volume flow rate (230°C/2.16Kg) ISO 1133 16 cm³/10min
Tensile Modulus ISO 527-1, -2 1550 MPa
Tensile Stress at Yield ISO 527-1, -2 35 MPa
Tensile Strain at Break ISO 527-1, -2 > 50 %
Charpy unnotched impact strength ISO 179
    (0 °C)   30 kJ/m²
    (23 °C)   110 kJ/m²
Charpy notched impact strength (0 °C) ISO 179 - kJ/m²
Typical properties; not to be construed as specifications.

Additional Properties


© 2003 Basell Service Company B.V.

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Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Avant, Catalloy, Clyrell, Hifax, Higran, Histif, Hostacom, Hostalen, Hostalen PP, Hostalen ACP, Lucalen,Luflexen, Lupolen,Lupolex, Lupotech G, Lupotech T, Metocene, Moplen, Pro-fax, Pro-fax Ultra, Purell, Softell, Spherilene, Spheripol,Spherizone and Stretchene are trademarks owned or used by Basell.

Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Clyrell, Hifax, Hostacom, Hostalen, Lucalen, Luflexen,Lupolen, Lupotech, Moplen and Pro-fax are registered in the U.S. Patent and trademark office.

Unless specifically indicated, the grades mentioned are not suitable for applications in the pharmaceutical/medical sector

Release Date: 31 Jan 2006